Data Collection (Emotional)
Sub-factors: can be applied to all emotional sub-factors
Describe one method you could use to collect data on emotional factors. (4).KEY
Descriptive point 1
Descriptive point 2
Descriptive point 3
Descriptive point 4
‘A method I used to collect data on emotional factors was the Performance Profiling Wheel (PPW).’
‘The PPW is a wheel arranged into 8 different sections with a mental sub-factor written on the outside of each section. Within each section, are 10 segments which represented a score of 1 (inside) – 10 (outside) with 1 being the poorest and 10 being the best.’
‘To begin with, I considered how the captain of my team (model performer) would score in each section and coloured in this segment in red. For e.g., if I thought their ability to control their anger was an 8, I coloured in the 8th segment in red. After doing this, I considered my capabilities in this section. If I scored myself a 4 for anger, I coloured in segments 1-4 in blue. I then coloured in the rest of the segments up to 8 (model performer) in red. I then identified my strengths and weaknesses. A weakness was where red remained.’
The candidate has clearly made more than 4 points of description whilst achieving the 4 marks. Always do this to provide full answers and show the examiner that you are a pupil with high standards.
Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of explanation
‘I used the PPW because it was practical as I was able to do it at home away from the training ground. This meant I took my time in completing the method as I was not rushed to go out and train and I therefore provided well thought out and valid responses.’
‘I also used the PPW because it was practical as it was very easy to interpret my data. This meant it was easy for me to accurately identify my strengths and weaknesses as I just looked for the colour red remaining in each section. This lead to me selecting the correct weak sub-factors and collecting more detailed data on why they were a weakness.’*
‘Another reason why I used the PPW was because it was practical as it was quick and easy to complete. This meant that I did not get bored in a long winded process and was able to really focus and give honest answers as I remained motivated.’
‘Finally, the PPW was selected because it was measurable as it was a permanent record. This meant I was able to compare my subsequent re-tests back to my initial data to measure my improvements. This then lead to me receiving a boost in confidence when I noticed my progress and enabled me to set even more challenging goals to ensure I did not plateau.’*
*Paragraphs 2 and 4 both contain what is referred to as a point of development. Having explained why the part of PARV(M) helped them select this method in sentence 2, a third sentence further explaining the impact this then had on the data collection process was identified. Consequently, although the question was out of 4, the candidate provided 6 points of explanation.
Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of analysis
‘It is important when using the PPW that you use a realistic model performer. This is because if you used an elite athlete such as Serena Williams, you may lose motivation and confidence as you will find that you are consistently marking yourself lower than them which can then lead to you giving up and not giving 100% in completing the method and your development plan.’
‘It is also important that you complete the PPW at home. This is because if you did it at the training ground, you may feel rushed by the coach to get out and train or you may feel embarrassed in completing the PPW in front of your teammates which can lead to you not taking it seriously and filling it out incorrectly.’
‘Another important thing to consider with the PPW is how honest you are in the process. This is because it uses purely subjective data which can mean you may lie to impress your coach meaning you therefore produce inaccurate data and do not begin an appropriate development plan to improve your performance.’
‘Finally, it is important that you scan the PPW and keep an electronic copy of it. This is because you will always have a second copy of your baseline data to refer back to even if you lose the initial sheet and will therefore be able to make valid measurements of your progress during your development plan.’
Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Evaluative point
‘The PPW was fairly effective in collecting data on emotional factors.’
‘It was beneficial because it was practical as it was very easy to complete. This was good as I made very little errors in understanding what I had to do which meant I filled it out correctly and received valid data.’
‘It was also beneficial because it was practical as it was very easy to interpret my data. This was good as it meant I was able to clearly identify my emotional strengths and weaknesses.’
‘However, the PPW was limited as it was not very appropriate in that it did not tell me why a sub-factor was weak. This was poor as I had to collect even more data to analyse this and I started to get bored and did not give this my full attention or effort leading to me having slightly questionable data.’
‘The PPW was also limited because I used an elite athlete as my model performer. This was poor as it meant that I quickly lost confidence as I found myself being much lower than them on every emotional sub-factor and I therefore went into my development plan in a very negative state of mind.’
Sub-factors: anger, fear, happiness and sadness

Describe one method you could use to collect data on emotional factors. (4).
Descriptive point 1
Descriptive point 2
Descriptive point 3
Descriptive point 4
‘A method I used to collect data on emotional factors (anger, fear, happiness and sadness) was the Profile of Mood States (POMS) Test.’
‘I accessed the POMS Test online. It contained 65 statements which related to a particular feeling down the left hand side. These statements were placed into 6 groups: anger, confusion, depression, fatigue, tension and vigour. Next to each statement was a drop down menu containing the following responses: ‘not at all’, ‘a little’, ‘moderately’, ‘quite a lot’ and ‘extremely’.’
‘I had a partner sit at the computer and read out each statement. I then had to provide one of the above responses for each statement and my partner selected it. After answering all statements, my partner hit the analyse button at the bottom of the page to calculate my Total Mood Disturbance score. Once this was calculated, a score was given in each of the 6 groups above. I then used this to identify my strengths and weaknesses.’
The candidate has clearly made more than 4 points of description whilst achieving the 4 marks. Always do this to provide full answers and show the examiner that you are a pupil with high standards.
Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of explanation
‘I used the POMS Test because it was practical as it was a quick process to complete. This meant I did not get bored in a long, drawn-out process and was motivated to provide appropriate answers which made my data valid.’
‘I also used the POMS Test because it was appropriate for the emotional factor as it contained a wide range of emotions. This meant I was able to receive a score for specific emotional sub-factors and pin-point my exact emotional weaknesses to create a development plan to improve this area.’
‘Another reason why I used the POMS Test was because it was appropriate as it gave me NORMS to compare my scores against. This meant I was able to use this information to set achievable and realistic targets to improve my emotional weaknesses. This then lead to me receiving a boost in motivation as I knew improvements were within my reach so long as I gave 100% in each session.’*
‘Finally, I used the POMS Test because it was measurable as it was a permanent record. This meant I was able to look back on my baseline data to measure any improvements in subsequent re-tests.’
*The candidate has provided a point of development in paragraph 3 as they have further explained how their initial justification in sentence 2 can aid the data collection process in sentence 3.
Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of analysis
‘It is important that you are completely honest when completing the POMS Test. This is because your opinions are qualitative in nature meaning you may lie to try and impress your coach which can lead to your data being inaccurate and you ignoring an actual weakness in your development plan.’
‘It is also important that you understand each statement in the POMS Test. This is because some of the statements are hard to understand so ensuring you look them up means you will be able to provide correct and valid responses as you understand what you are referring to.’
‘It is also important that you complete the POMS Test in a quiet environment. This is because if you did it with others talking in the background or a any electrical appliances on, you may get distracted which can lead to you not giving your full attention to your answers and compromising their validity.’
‘Finally, it is important that you can also see the screen when your partner is completing the POMS Test. This is because mistakes can occur and they may accidentally hit on the wrong response which can therefore negatively effect the reliability of your results and overall score as it does not give the truest representation of your emotions.’
Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Evaluative point
‘The POMS Test was fairly effective in collecting data on the emotional factor.’
‘One benefit of the POMS Test was how practical it was as it was really quick to complete. This was good because it meant that I did not get bored in this process and was actually very motivated to give correct responses which boosted the validity of my data.’
‘Another benefit of the POMS Test was how appropriate it was in giving me NORMS to compare my scores to. This was good because it really boosted my motivation during my development plan to reach the next level and I gave 100% in each session to see improvements.’
‘A further benefit of the POMS Test was the fact it was a permanent record which made it measurable. This was good because it was easy for me to track my progress and see improvements when I re-tested the emotional factor.’
‘However, the POMS Test was limited as I had to have access to an electronic device such as an iPad to complete it. This was annoying because we only had 2 iPads in the class which meant I had to wait on others completing the test before I could have a shot.’
Sub-factor: anger

Describe one method you could use to collect data on emotional factors. (4).
Descriptive point 1
Descriptive point 2
Descriptive point 3
Descriptive point 4
‘One method I used to collect data on the emotional factor (anger) was the Emotional Control Record’
‘The Emotional Control Record was set up in a table format with different behavioral criteria listed down the left hand column. The immediate 3 columns to the right were referred to as behaviour occurences with each of these columns heading a game each. The final column on the right hand side was headed ‘total’.’
‘A partner observed me play in 3 games from the viewing balcony. They placed a tally in the appropriate box depending on the bahviour I exhibited and the game it occurred in. At the end, they counted up all of my tallies and placed a total figure in the right column for each behaviour. I then analysed my data to identify my strengths and weaknesses.’
The candidate has clearly made more than 4 points of description whilst achieving the 4 marks. Always do this to provide full answers and show the examiner that you are a pupil with high standards.
Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of explanation
‘I used the Emotional Control Record because it was practical as it was very easy for my partner to complete. This meant my partner did not make any mistakes in an easy process which lead to my data being correct and valid.’
‘I also used the Emotional Control Record because it was practical as it was very easy to interpret. This meant it was easy for me to identify my strengths and weaknesses and create a relevant development plan.’
‘Another reason why I used the Emotional Control Record was because it was appropriate as it provided a range of specific behaviours. This meant I was able to identify my exact weaknesses and set specific targets for my development plan. This then lead to me selecting relevant approaches that were suitable to both my weakness and the goal I had set.’*
‘Finally, I used the Emotional Control Record because it was measurable as it was a permanent record. This meant I was able to look back at my baseline information during my re-tests to measure any improvements my development plan had induced.’
* Paragraph 3 contains a point of development as the performer has not only justified how their method being appropriate helped them in the data gathering process in sentence 2, but has then further justified how this then helped them select the relevant approaches for their development plan in sentence 3.
Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of analysis
‘It is important that data is collected over 3 games when using the Emotional Control Record. This is because it minimises the risk of your data simply being a ‘1-off’ which could occur if observed in just 1 game and will therefore ensure that the data collated gives an accurate and reliable overview of your ability to control your emotions.’
‘It is also important that the Emotional Control Record is carried out whilst you play against opponents of the same ability. This is because if you played against opponents of a higher skill level, you may make more mistakes and therefore get more angry at yourself and the opponents which means you are not replicating your emotions in a typical match against opponents you would normally play against making your data invalid.’
‘Another important point to consider when completing the Emotional Control Record is your accessibility to technological equipment. This is because if you video the match on an iPad you minimise the potential of your partner missing crucial information in fast paced sports such as basketball as you will be able to watch the game back and ensure everything is included to boost the reliability of your data.’
‘Finally, it is important you make an electronic copy of your Emotional Control Record. This is because if you were to lose the original copy you will have nothing to compare future re-tests to meaning you do not know how much you are improving and/or how well your development plan is working.’
Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Evaluative point
‘The Emotional Control Record was very effective in collecting data on the emotional factor.’
‘It was beneficial because it was practical as it was easy to interpret. This was good because I was able to correctly identify what behaviours were weaknesses of mine and I was therefore able to create an appropriate development plan to improve these.’
‘It was also beneficial because it was appropriate as I performed against opponents of the same ability as me. This was good because I was playing in typical conditions and I recognised that I was getting angry at incidents I previously had problems with which proved to me that this method was really capturing my true behaviours.’
‘Another benefit of this method was that the results were reliable as we were able to access an iPad when completing the data collection process. This was good because there were areas my partner was unsure of that the replaying of the video helped us with as we slowed it down and saw who I was angry with and why. This was also beneficial because it gave me more accurate and precise details on why I was getting angry which helped me set very specific targets in my development plan.’*
*Paragraph 3 contains a point of development as the candidate has further evaluated the initial impact using the Emotional Control Record alongside Video Analysis had on the data collection process. This can clarify why only 3 paragraphs are present for a 4 mark answer.
Sub-factors: anger, fear, happiness and sadness

Describe one method you could use to collect data on emotional factors. (4).
Descriptive point 1
Descriptive point 2
Descriptive point 3
Descriptive point 4
‘One method I used to collect data on emotional factors (anger, fear, happiness and sadness) was the sport emotion questionnaire.’
‘The questionnaire contained 22 emotive words down the left hand side. The 22 words were divided into 5 different emotions: anger, anxiety, dejection, excitement and happiness. To the right of each word was a 4 point scale going from 0 ‘not at all’ to 4 ‘extremely’.
‘I completed the questionnaire in the changing room immediately before going out to play. I read each word and circled the number that indicated how I felt at that moment. I then added up my scores for each category and identified my strengths and weaknesses.’
The candidate has clearly made more than 4 points of description whilst achieving the 4 marks. Always do this to provide full answers and show the examiner that you are a pupil with high standards.
Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of explanation
‘I used the sport emotion questionnaire because it was practical as it was quick and easy to complete. This meant I made no mistakes in completing it and got correct and valid data.’
‘I also used the sport emotion questionnaire because it was practical as it was easy to interpret. This meant I accurately identified my strengths and weaknesses and created an appropriate development plan to improve my development areas.’
‘Another reason why I used the sport emotion questionnaire was because it was appropriate as it had been proven in research to collect data on emotional factors. This meant that I got valid data as I followed the protocols correctly and answered each part honestly.’
‘A final reason why I used the sport emotion questionnaire was because it was measurable as it was a permanent record. This meant I was able to make comparisons between my re-tests and baseline measurement to track my improvements and programme effectiveness.’
Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Point of analysis
‘It is important that you ask your coach to clarify any tricky words when completing this questionnaire. This is because if you did not, you may misunderstand what the emotive word means which can lead to you circle the wrong number and therefore receive inaccurate and unreliable data.’
‘It is also important you are 100% honest when completing the questionnaire. This is because it is a qualitative method that places the reliability on your opinion which means you may lie if you notice teammates watching you complete it because you may be embarrassed about admitting to being fearful and your data will therefore be inaccurate.’
‘Another important thing to consider is completing it right before your competition starts. This is because if you did it after the game, you may forget how you felt before competing which means you may not circle the correct number which again leads to the reliability of your answers being questioned.’
‘Finally, it is important that you electronically scan and save your initial questionnaire. This is because it is a loose sheet of paper that may get lost which means you lose your permanent record and have nothing to compare your re-tests to and can therefore lead to invalid tracking of your progress.’
Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the emotional factor. (4).
Evaluative point
‘The sport emotion questionnaire was fairly effective in collecting data on my emotional performance.’
‘It was beneficial because it was practical as it was quick and easy to complete. This was good because I found myself being highly concentrated during the process and made no mistakes to ensure my data was correct and valid.’
‘It was also beneficial because it was practical as it was easy to interpret. This was good because I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses and create a relevant training plan that maintained my strengths and improved my weaknesses.’
‘Another benefit was that it was valid as I completed it immediately before my match in line with the protocols. This was good because my feelings were fresh in my head and allowed me to give accurate responses when circling the number for each emotive word.’
‘However, it was limited as I did it on paper rather that online and lost the original copy. This was poor because I had nothing to compare my subsequent re-tests to and I could not effectively track my progress or put an accurate value on the effectiveness of my training plan.’
Let’s move on to the social factor and consider some of the methods that can be used to collect data here.